Golf Fair that has become the reference point of golf tourism in France. The attraction for the visitors, at this eighth edition of the show, was the research of all the novelties that the various golf destinations have to offer as well as golf equipment and the latest golf fashion. The number of visitors, according to the organization, was of 27.000 and with over 130 exhibitors this golf show is certainly considered to be the most important in France.

All the Atalaya Golf promotional material (brochures) was given individually to people truly interested in the product and destination and considering the great interest shown we can expect to receive in the near future some direct requests or through golf tour operators. With regards to prior promotions in France, mainly the Open de France held at the Golf National near Versailles, there is a remarkable increase in awareness and interest of the golf offer in Andalucia and especially the Costa del Sol. The French market is looking for a safe and secure golf destination even if French is not the spoken language. Safety is no longer guaranteed in some of the destinations the French have been going to over the years and Spain and Andalucia are becoming popular alternatives. We must take advantage of this situation to position our destination and product in the French market.

The French market is, without a doubt, a market in which we must continue our promotional efforts. France with its 62 million inhabitants already has over 420.000 federated golf members and 790 golf courses which indeed make this country a very appealing golf market for a neighbour like Spain.