As you know many of you, in early summer Atalaya Golf launched a plan of improvements to its facilities.

The works, which are part of an investment plan of over € 2,500,000 from 2016 to 2017, including the renewal of the hole 1 of the Old Course, a new kiosk and building a parking for 150 vehicles.

Currently only the hole 11 (before 1st hole of Old Course) is under construction and is played as a par 3 in the new green.

The works of professional tee, yellow tee, and the kiosk area are being finalized, so there are some machines working to complete these works. We apologized for the inconveniences that it can cause to players on this hole.

In our caddy master we inform to the players of these works and to compensate for the inconvenience, we offer best prices on the green fees during the low season.

We’ll continue working to have the best conditions in our facilities, both for our members and visitors.