During this period while our clubhouse and golf courses are closed, we at Atalaya Golf & Country Club are executing certain upgrades that are difficult to perform when our facilities are open and bustling.

An important upgrade is the replacement of the ceiling in the employees’ dining room. A new, removable ceiling has been installed. The new ceiling is easily replaceable, facilitating future changes and updates. Should the eventual addition or replacement of water pipes or lights be required, workmen will be able to pop out the portion of the ceiling providing access to the areas where repairs are required. No longer will it be necessary to demolish the ceiling.

In addition to the updated ceiling, the employees’ dining room now touts a sparkling new sink, as well as a new fridge, toaster and microwave!

To top off everything new flooring has been installed not only in the dining room but also in all personnel areas.

Certainly, these improvements will bring many smiles to the faces of Atalaya’s most capable and valued staff members when they return to work in the not too distant future.